Tuesday 9 February 2016

Veronica pinguifolia

Veronica pinguifolia

Common name: shrubby veronica
Family: Plantaginaceae
Leaf: opposite, boxwood-like, fleshy, nearly rounded, with a wide base, light blue-green, entire margins that are slightly 'cupped', arranged whorled up the stem, with short internodes 
Flowers:dense spikes of white flowers in early spring to late summer
Height: 1-1.25' Spread: 2-3'
Habit: semi-prostrate evergreen shrub; Form: mounded
Culture: Plant in full sun to part shade in well drained, fertile, medium moisture soils. Salt and pollution tolerant. Needs minimal pruning, remove dead stems in spring. Very hardy overall. easy to grow from cuttings. Hardy in USDA zones 7-10.
Uses: cottage or informal garden, flower beds, containers
Origin: New Zealand

V. pinguifolia 'Pagei'

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