Saturday 20 February 2016

Spiraea x vanhouttei

Spiraea x vanhouttei

Common name: bridalwreath spirea
Family: Rosaceae
Leaf: small, rhombic to obovate, coarsely serrate, dark blue-green leaves (up to 1.5" long) may have or at least suggest 3-5 lobes.Fall colour sometimes an attractive purplish hue.
Flowers: spring bloom, tiny white flowers (each 1/3" in diamter) appearing in late April to May in umellate clusters (up to 2" wide) that profusely cover the leafy branching.
Habit: vase-shaped, deciduous shrub with branching that arches gracefully towards the ground
Form: vase, arching, mounded
Height: 5-8'; Spread: 7-10'
Culture: Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade, a wide variety of soils and some drought. Prune as needed emmediately after flowering. Can prune out dead/crossing stems from a couple inches above the base. Keep in mind its naturally graceful, arching for when pruning, so try not to prune arching stems too far back. Hardy in USDA zones 3-8.
Uses: Hedges, foundations, borders, sunny woodland margins. Beautiful flowering specimen.
Origin: garden origin

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