Sunday 14 February 2016

Ilex aquifolium

Ilex aquifolium

Common name: common holly, English holly
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Leaf: The leaves are 5-12 cm long, evergreen, very glossy, lasting about 5 years, dark green on upper side and lighter on underside, alternate, oval, leathery, shiny. 3-5 sharp spines on each side, leaves on the upper branches on mature tress lack spines
Flowers: white, 4 lobed, dioecious. Female flowers are isolated or in groups of three and are small and white or slightly pink. Male flowers are yellowish and appear in axillary groups
Fruit: red drupe, maturing around Oct. or Nov.
Habit: evergreen tree; Form: oval-rounded in maturity
Height: 32-82': Spread: 
Culture: Best grown in light humusy loam with a pH of 6.0 in full sun. Best planted in a well-drained soil. Needs regular consistent moisture to help to establish. May get holly leaf and twig blight. Has a tendency to get overly-dense, and thus have poor air circulation. Selective pruning could mitigate this.
Uses: solo specimen, tall screen, not good as a hedge- too dense and needs appropriate air circulation
Origin: S Europe, NW Africa, SW Asia

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