Friday 19 February 2016

Lonicera x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'

Lonicera x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'

Common name: Dropmore Scarlet honeysuckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Leaf: attractive blue-green, sessile leaves with a very wide base, attached to the very wide base of the opposite leaf, giving the appearance of one, wide sessile leaf surrounding the twining stem
Flowers: magenta-red tubular flowers, showy, early summer. Hummingbirds love them.
Fruit: log-lasting red berries
Habit: dense, twining vine
Height: 10-20' long
Culture: Hardy in USDA zones 4-9. Plant in full sun, in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Gets powdery mildew in Vancouver. Prune back in early spring to increase flowering. Only prune established honeysuckles.
Uses: over an arbor, trellis, even as a groundcover. Hummingbird attractor. 
Origin: garden origin

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