Sunday 14 February 2016

Ilex verticillata

Ilex verticillata

Common name: winterberry
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Leaf: Elliptic to obovate, toothed, dark green leaves, up to 2-3" long, sometimes turning a beautiful maroon in fall
Flower: inconspicuous, appearing in leaf axils in spring
Fruit: showy, often persisting through winter
Habit: deciduous holly; Form: upright, rounded
Height: 3-12'; 
Culture: Easily grown in average, acidic, medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade. Adaptable to heavy and light soils, but grows best in moist, acidic, organic loams. Good tolerance of poorly-drained soils, including wet, boggy or swampy conditions. Female plants will need a nearby male plants to produce the attractive berries. One male is usually sufficient to pollinate 6-10 females. Flowers appear on new growth. Prune to shape in early spring before growth appears.
Uses: yearround interest, winter interest, mass or group in shrub borders, foundations, native plants, bird gardens, hedge, shrub for wet/moist areas of the garden, or along streams and ponds.
Origin: Eastern N. America

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