Monday 15 February 2016

Abeliophyllum distichum

Abeliophyllum distichum

Common name: white forsythia
Family: Oleaceae
Leaf: opposite, simple, 6-10 cm long, pubescent above and below
Flowers: appearing in early spring (Feb.), appearing before foliage appears, white and fragrant, 1cm long and a four loved corolla
Fruit: round, winged samara, 2-3cm in diameter
Habit: deciduous shrub; Form: wide, irregular
Height: 3-5'; Spread: 3-4'
Culture: Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers full sun but tolerates light shade. Some tolerance of drought, but not overly-wet conditions. Prune immediately after bloom because flower buds for the following year will form on the current year's growth. Needs periodic pruning (at least every 3-4 years), to control and maintain and attractive shape. Pruning would mean pruning back 1/3 of the plant down.
Uses: winter interest, in a mixed border- do not uses as a focal point, as it is fairly unattractive for the rest of the year. 
Origin: Korea

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