Sunday 14 February 2016

Ilex crenata

Ilex crenata

Common name: box-leaved holly, Japanese holly
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Leaf: ovate to elliptic, glossy dark green, small, 10-30mm long, with a crenate margin, sometimes spiny
Flowers: dioecious, white, four-lobed
Fruit: black drupe, 5mm
Height: 5-10'; Spread: 5-10'
Habit: dense, multi-branched evergreen shrub or small tree; Form: mounded
Culture: Grows well in acidic soil, with a pH of 3.7- 6.0. Grow in avergae, medium moisture, well-drained soils ranging from moist to dry and from sand to clay. Prefers light, acidic soils with good drainage. Established plants have some tolerance for drought. Females need male plants present for fruiting occur.Hardy in USDA zones 5-8. Plants may struggle in the summer heat of zones 8-9.
Uses: mass or in groupings. Hedge,or foundation plantings
Origin: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan

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