Saturday 13 February 2016

Helleborus argutifolius

Helleborus argutifolius

Common name: Corsican hellebore
Family: Renunculaceae
Leaf: caulescent, coarse, bold, evergreen foliage, trifoliate leaf has 3 rough, thick, spiny-toothed, elliptic, blue-green to gray-green leaflets (each leaflet 5-7" long)
Flowers: nodding, bowl-shaped (up to 2" across), each with 5 large, showy, petal-like, pale green sepals, blooming Feb- April in large open clusters at stem ends.
Habit: evergreen perennial; Form: clumping
Height: 1.5-2'; Spread: 1.5- 2'
Culture: Best grown in rich, consistently moist, well-drained soils in part to full shade. Like neutral to alkaline soils. Prefers light to moderate shade. Established plants can tolerate some drought and some full sun (better than other hellebore species). Hardy in USDA zones 6-8. If located in the colder areas (USDA zone 6), plant in an area that has protection from the cold winter winds. Cut of browning leaves in late winter and cut off flower stalks after flowering to promote more foliage growth. Can even be self-seeding in optimal conditions.
Uses: Understory planting, woodland garden, containers, en mass for attractive year- round groundcover.
Origin: Corsica, Sardinia

attractive foliage

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