Thursday 4 February 2016

Leptinella squalida

Leptinella squalida

Common name: green brass buttons
Family: Asteraceae
Leaf: feathery compound evergreen leaves, much like "tiny ferns"
Flower: tiny yellow flowers appearing in spring, not particularly showy
Height: up to 0.25'; Spread: 0.25-1'
Habit: rhizomatous, spreading perennial groundcover; Form: matting
Culture: Hardy in USDA zones 4-10. Best grown in average, medium moisture soils in full sun to part shade. Ideally in organically-rich, slightly acidic soils. Does not tolerate drought. Tolerant of light shade, especially in areas of hot summer climates. Foliage is evergreen in USDA zones 9-10. Spent flowers can be mowed with a lawn mower if necessary. Propagate by division in spring or fall.
Uses: groundcover for sunny areas, rock garden, between stepping stones, turf substitute- especially in areas where it is evergreen.
Origin: Australia, New Zealand, South America
L. squalida 'Platt's Black'

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