Tuesday 9 February 2016

Prostanthera cuneata

Prostanthera cuneata

Common name: Australian bush mint
Family: Lamiaceae
Leaf: small, rounded, dark green, aromatic, arranged whorling densely up the stem
Flowers: terminal panicles of white blue or purple labiate flowers in late spring or early summer
Height: 1-3'; Spread: 2-3'
Habit: compact, fast-growing, evergreen perennial shrub
Form: rounded
Culture: Winter hardy in USDA zones 8-10. Grown in full sun, in average, medium moisture soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade. Established plants have a good tolerance of drought. Likes sandy soils. Propagates well by cuttings.
Uses: ornamental flowering shrub or garden specimen. As a hedge, or in a container.
Origin: heath and shrubland areas of New South Wales and Victoria

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