Friday 19 February 2016

Kalmia latifolia

Kalmia latifolia

Common name: mountain laurel
Family: Ericaceae
Leaf: Elliptic, alternate, leathery, glossy, evergreen leaves (up to 5" long) are dark green above and yellow green beneath
Flowers: up to 1" across, cup-shaped, with five sides and ranges in colour from rose to white with purple markings inside. clustered, showy. If not deadheaded, flowers give way to non-showy brown. 
Fruits: 3/16" dehiscent capsules that persist into winter
Habit: Gnarled, multi-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen shrub or small tree
Height: 5-15'
Form: mounded
Culture: Hardy in USDA zones 4-9. Best planted in cool, moist, acidic, humusy, well-drained soils in part shade/dappled shade. Mulch to retain moisture and keep root zones cool. Plants tolerate a wide range of light conditions (full sun to full shade), but are best in part shade (morning sun with early to mid-afternoon shade), but can get leggy in full shade. Raised plantings should be considered in order to promote better drainage. Does not do well in heavy heavy clay soils. Remove spent flower clusters immediately after bloom. Prune lightly after bloom to promote bushy growth. Not great in Vancouver
Uses: for groups or massings in shrubs borders, cottage gardens, woodland areas or wild/naturalized areas. Hedges, foundations.
Origin: Eastern U.S.A.

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