Wednesday 10 February 2016

Berberis buxifolia

Berberis buxifolia

Common name: box-leaved barberry, Magellan barberry
Family: Berberidaceae
Leaf: simple, shiny, box-like leaves, entire margins, evergreen, with many arching stems with tripartite spines
Flowers: many small yellow flowers in summer, borne singly from the stem on a 1" long pedicel, self-fertile, and hermaphrodite
Habit: evergreen shrub; Form: rounded
Height: up to 8' (?); Spread: up to 9'
Culture: Hardy in USDA zones 4-8. Best planted in moist, loamy soil in partial sun, but can do well also in thin, dry, shallow soils in full sun. Can even grow well in heavy clay soils. Plants can do well up to -15 degrees C, but may be deciduous in cold winters. Plants can be pruned quite hard and will grow back from the base.
Uses: groundcover, en mass, borders
Origin: Chile, Argentina

Berberis buxifolia 'Nana'

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